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How to Prepare For Your Hearing Evaluation

by | May 23, 2018 | Hearing Test, Patient Resources

One of the hardest stages in improving your hearing health is realising you have a problem. Most people go years without help – in fact, the average American goes 15 years without getting a hearing aid when they need one.

So, you have taken the first step and booked a hearing evaluation here at Beltone. You are on your way to happier, healthier hearing. But what can you do to make sure you are as prepared as possible for your appointment?


1. Bring a familiar voice

This is an important part of your hearing evaluation. Whether it is a partner, friend, family member, neighbor or colleague, having someone whose voice you are familiar with enables us to effectively assess your speech recognition in a real-life scenario.

2. Think of situations in which you struggle

Do you struggle at noisy restaurants? Perhaps when your child speaks to you? Write down a few examples of times when you find it hard to hear. Examples can be difficult to think of on the spot, so preparing them beforehand gives us a clearer idea of how to help.


3. Try to avoid loud noises

Most people know that loud noise can cause issues over time, but fewer of us realize that it can have short term effect too. Try to avoid very loud noises, e.g. those louder that of vacuum cleaner, for a minimum of 16 hours before your evaluation.


4. Stay healthy

Certain types of illness, such as cold and flu can cause a mucus build up in the ear, affecting your ability to hear properly – and our ability to give you an accurate assessment. Please speak to us if you are concerned you may be too ill to be effectively assessed.


5. Rest assured

Remember, there is absolutely no need to worry about your hearing evaluation. We can assure you that our tests are simple, comfortable and will take up as little time as possible. We do not use any invasive or painful techniques.  Here at Belmont, your comfort is paramount to us and we will do everything we can to make your hearing evaluation a positive experience.


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