If something goes wrong, refrain from tossing your hearing aids into the junk drawer. Our hearing aid technicians are here to help get your devices back in tip-top shape.

Understanding the Three Most Common Types of Hearing Aid Repairs at Beltone Hearing

by | Jan 17, 2024 | Hearing Aids, Patient Resources

For many people, hearing aids play a crucial role in improving their quality of life. Hearing aids can help you communicate with others and navigate the world around you. But like any electronic device, hearing aids can be prone to problems and malfunctions.  

Proper preventative care and maintenance can help you protect your investment in your hearing and dramatically extend the lifespan of your devices. If something goes wrong, refrain from tossing your hearing aids into the junk drawer. Our hearing aid technicians are here to help get your devices back in tip-top shape. We provide hearing aid repairs for users across Metro-Detroit, Western Michigan, and Northern Ohio. 

Let’s explore the three most common reasons behind the hearing aid repairs our team handles and the associated costs.  

1. Earwax Buildup

Around 20–30 percent of hearing aid repairs are due to earwax buildup. Earwax is important—it protects our ears from debris, dust, and germs—but it can be tough on your device’s receiver and microphone. This is exactly why hearing aid manufacturers include wax filters and cleaning tools.  

You can prevent wax buildup by diligently cleaning your devices at home and seeing our team for regular deep cleanings. 

2. Moisture

Moisture and electronics don’t mix. Moisture can lead to problems like corrosion and circuit failure. And it can be tough to avoid—especially if you lead a very active lifestyle or live in a humid climate. Keeping your hearing aids dry and storing them properly when they’re not in use can reduce the risk of moisture damage. 

3. Physical Damage

Accidents like dropping or stepping on your hearing aids happen, and so does wear and tear over time. Physical damage like loose wiring, cracked casing, or a damaged microphone can impair the functionality of your hearing aids.  

With regular inspection and maintenance, these issues can be identified before they become major problems. 

How Much Do Hearing Aid Repairs Cost? 

Hearing aid repair costs depend largely on whether or not your devices are under warranty and how severe the damage is. Typically, devices that are more than two years old won’t be under warranty unless you have an extended warranty. 

You can expect a repair for a hearing aid that is no longer under warranty to cost $400 or more for common problems like a broken microphone, water damage, or a short. A more severe issue like a cracked case may cost more. 

When to Repair Your Hearing Aids vs. Replace Them 

In some cases, replacing your hearing aid may be more beneficial and cost-effective than repairing it. Hearing aids that are more than five years old may be nearing the end of their lifespan. Hearing aid technology is advancing rapidly, which is great news, but this means that parts for older models aren’t always readily available. As well, newer models may offer benefits that make an upgrade well worth the cost.  

Proactive Care with Beltone Hearing 

No matter what issues you’re experiencing with your hearing aids, our hearing aid repair experts have the expertise to help you. We work directly with the Beltone manufacturer, and we can solve most problems right here in the office. If we do need to send your device to the manufacturer, we can set you up with a comparable device while you wait. Regardless of what you need, we’ve got you covered. 

If you or a loved one needs assistance with your hearing aids or has any questions or concerns, you can get in touch with our team at (888) 691-3821 or request a callback. We look forward to hearing from you!  

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